Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Arise & Build 2008

Once again, our church will be having her 4th Arise & Build season in 2 weeks time. Let us come together to build God a great House, but more than that, we are building lives. =)

All To You (Arise & Build Song 2006, CHC)

Now is the time
When Heaven blends with Earthly Saints
The world resounds as angels sing
"Our God reigns"
I give my all to You
I give my all to You

From Heavens throne
Your river flows to this land
And on this rock foundations lay
Here we stand
I give my all to You
I give my all to You

Pouring out this treasure You gave
In Your promises, our hearts turn brave
I will arise and lay down this sacrifice
As we're building Your house on high

Your Kingdom come
Your will be done
On earth as in Heaven

1 comment:

Wei Jian said...

Hahaa, yeah. Once again we can give to this great "project" and I really can't wait to see this building! Anw guys, let's be strong in this season and knowing that we are together as a family. Let's run together and arise and build!